Skills are a d100-based system, with success determined by rolling at or below your skill number. Some skills start above 0%, and skills may go over 100%. A critical fumble is 99-00, a critical success is 01-02.If a skill is successfully used during the game, mark an experience check next to it. During downtime, you may roll to see if that skill increased – on a failed skill check, add 1d6% (or a flat 3% if you feel unlucky). On a successful skill check, add 1%. Skills at or above 100% may consider “00” a failed roll.
Skill training in-game may also/only be obtained through teaching or research.
Most checks are a simple skill roll. In the case of opposed checks, the highest successful roll wins. For example, a 68 would beat a 43, as long as both were successful – this method gives a small edge to the higher-skilled person.
If a Hard skill check is required, you must roll under 1/2 of your skill. If Very Hard, 1/5th. In some circumstances, situational modifiers may apply instead.
For cooperative skills rolls, designate one character as the lead, with others rolling to assist. Success is +20%, Failure is -10%, criticals are + / - 50%.
Rather than tracking money directly, any purchases are made using the ‘Resources’ skill.
There are three separate sets of powers: Magic, Psi, and Tech. With some restrictions, players can take a combination of powers from the different categories.Magic requires investment in a System/Path skill system (a set of symbols used to create the spell), and time to gather the required mana. Although casting the spell is slow, it can be channelled into a ‘Shortcut’ to complete the spell quickly at a later time. Although theoretically more powerful, magic also has the chance of spell failure or backlash, at 3x the power of the original spell.
Psi powers are defined with a combination of Descriptor and Aspect and base level of capabilities. Psi skills represent the power and intensity of the ability, whereas supplementary skills (generally scientific or technical) can be used for fine application of the power. Trivial power usage (below the base strength as defined at character creation) does not require a Psi skill roll, but characters can extend their ability with Power Stunts that increase the difficulty of the roll and cause fatigue and exhaustion. Psi powers are instantaneous, and do not have the possibility of backlash.
Tech ‘powers’ represent access to advanced and futuristic technology. Characters have a Tech Access Level ranging from 1-5 and a set number of Tech Points that can be used to purchase anything from their Access Level or below. Replacement of lost or broken gear depends on Access Level – Level 1 is a matter of hours, Level 5 items may require a few days of work. Characters with unspent Tech Points may use them to pull out any item without purchasing it in advance (within situational reason and with additional cost when brought into the scene).
More details for each power type can be found in their own documents.
All characters have a base of 10 Health. Healing happens naturally at a rate of 1d4/week. First aid can heal an initial 1d4 with a successful First Aid check. City hospitals can heal 1d4+1 the first day, and 2/day after that.At 0 , characters fall unconscious. At -10, they sustain a serious or permanent injury. To kill, player must state before attack that they are intending to do so – below 0 on a killing blow kills. In good faith, GM will also declare enemy killing blow attempts, so player may opt to reroll.
Some weapons have an ‘Autohit’. Instead of rolling normal damage, roll percentile for the relevant targets or area. A successful roll reduces target to -10 – on a failed roll, add the dice together for damage (ie, roll of 62 = 6+2 = 8 damage).Armor gives a damage resistance (DR) rating. This is subtracted from damage.
Shields have a damage resistance rating, but also a maximum damage they can take in a round before breaking. Using a shield requires the Parry skill.
- Initiative goes by category, then highest applicable skill as follows:
- Category 1: drawn and aimed firearms (Dexterity skill) and psi powers (Psionics)
- Category 2: Everyone else, highest to lowest Dexterity skill
- Actions:
- Attack (Weapon skill)
- Aim (+20% on shot, if you take damage before that, bonus lost)
- Disarm/Trip (Difficult attack roll)
- Move (30m sprint, 10m jog, 3m while doing something else)
- Pin (Difficult Athletics roll)
Attack: Roll opposed with opponent’s chosen Defence. If both rolls are successful and there are no criticals, the highest successful number wins. Can split attack skill for multi-attack. Different weapons from the same weapon category is a Difficult roll.
Parry/Block: Defend using your weapon skill or shield. Successful parry reduces damage to 0. Need suitable parry item or check % reduced. Some attacks cannot be parried by some weapons. Martial Arts for your attack skill allows Parrying unarmed in some situations.
Dodge: Default defence. Requires free movement and space around character for standard check vs melee or thrown. Check modified based on available cover for firearms.
Critical success (01-02):
- Attack: ignore armor OR double damage
- Parry: damage opponent's weapon
- Dodge: no additional effect
Critical failure (99-00)
- Attack: weapon fumble/firearms jam
- Note: some experimental weapons have a higher critical failure rate
- Parry: Weapon breaks
- Dodge: Fall prone
Mass combat uses opposed Tactics rolls. If many vs one, the character in the leadership roll can substitute their Tactics roll for attack or defence of subordinates.
All characters have some Mana, but with the exception of mages, do not know about or generally use it. When a character’s mana reaches 0, they become Exhausted.CONDITIONS
- Fatigued: -5% on all rolls, 4 hr recovery. This -5 applies to successive power stunts.
- Exhausted: Cannot use Psi powers except trivially, -15% on all rolls, 8 hr recovery.