
Despite a top-class public transit system, private vehicles are sill a fixture of Mirai City, rom students' low-speed electric scooters to highly-paid researchers' European luxury imports. Of course, there are also specialized or more experimental vehicles on the road.

Kamasaki Houkiboushi [AL 2, TP 8]

A stylish ultra-fast electric racing bike developed in Mirai City, this bike has extra sensors and advanced guidance, navigation, and control software to allow the rider to speed through city streets without accident. It practically drives itself!

Vehicle Health 3, Vehicle DR 0, Speed 3, Observation skill +10%, Vehicles skill +40%
[Vehicle (M): Speed Boost, Lidar, Neural Net Assist x4]

Ikaruga-MT15 [AL , TP ]

The most recent iteration of Mirai City's VTOL fighter jet, engineered for defense purposes. Suborbital capabilities.

Skills by operators, buffed: Observation +40%, Stealth +50%, Vehicles +70%, Weapon +50%
[Vehicle (XL): Speed Boost, VTOL, AMCM, Weapon mount, Radar, Optical Camo, Neural Net Assist x20 (total)]


Robots are a common sight on the streets of Mirai city, as its ever-present janitorial staff, as simple AI running the city's network of public transportation, and as common tools by law enforcement or even regular students.

In fact, for those students who are smart but haven't made any progress in the Power Curriculum, investing time and energy into high-tech gizmos and drones is very common -- a sort of power that can be used by anyone.

Several different robotics competitions take place throughout the school year.

Sample Robots

Uki-Q [AL 2, TP 3]

Small fully spherical drone a little larger than a baseball, capable of flying and hovering in place. Often used by Judgdement and Antiskill for simple/cheap scouting and reconnaisance duties.

Robot Health 1, Robot DR 0, Speed 10 (7 flying), Dexterity 50%, Stealth 40%, Observation 50%
[Robot (T): VTOL, 1 free slot for specialization]

Wildcat [AL 1, TP 25]

A quadrupedal bot equipped with razor-sharp 'claws' on each foot and AI that allows it to act semi-autonomously and with pack tactics. It can strike with claws for 1d6 damage.

Health 3, DR 6, Speed 8, Force 20%, Dexterity 70%, Stealth 20%, Observation 50%, Brawling 70%, Dodge 70%
[Robot (S): Legs, Basic Sensor Array, Light Plating, Speed Boost, Large Claws]

Kemono Frames


Smaller models are designed for going through pipes and HVAC systems, while larger models are useful for security in unconventional locations. Not suitable for mounting most heavy firearms, more often used for unconventional purposes.

KKI/AP Chuumukade-V1

Autonomous student reformatory security.

This 8-meter-long, 1-meter high millipede-styled gejimeka is the latest experiment in reformatory security, in an effort to reduce guard injuries. It has reduced sensor types to remove possible vulnerabilities to psi power interference, and one of the best psi jammers currently available. Equipped with heavy armor, a sticky chemical 'spit', and a tranquilizer 'sting', this Gejimeka is a formidable non-lethal force.

Robot^ (large) AL-2 S-10 battery 0 Lidar 1 psi jammer^ 2 Legs 1 Burrowing 1 Climbing 1 Heavy Plating 2 Sticky gun 1 Tranquilizer^^(60%) 1
Force 85 Athletics 80 Acrobatics 60 Stealth 40 Observation 80 Dodge 65 Brawling 80 Firearms (Sticky Gun) 80 Navigation 90 Dexterity 70


Generally built with 4 to 8 legs, the spider-like multi-legged form is useful for a wide variety of purposes and very common. GP-UT Kumomeka General purpose hexapod spider-shaped robot chassis. A popular base for any simple utility purposes Robot (small) (AL-0/S-1) battery/solar 0 basic sensor suite 0


These exosuit models augment human capacity for combat and crushing, but were inevitably found to be impractical compared to more conventional methods. However, Kamakiri-meka are still popular among some for their uniquely intimidating look in melee range.