In a city of over 2 million, crime happens. However, as Mirai City has a reputation as a safe place to uphold, it takes law enforcement very seriously. Things like armed robbery and murder do happen but are followed up on and investigated thoroughly – the overall murder rate is similar if not lower than japan’s overall (1.1/100,000... so less than 22 a year in Mirai City.).
Skillout gang members are often perpetrators of mundane and low-level crimes. Antiskill also has a white-collar crime division as well, and Judgment is often responsible for following up on reports about psi powers being used indiscriminately.
With that said, white collar crime and issues with research labs are more difficult to identify and shut down, elements of Mirai City’s ‘Dark Side’ thriving in those niches.
Justice System
The age of criminal majority in Mirai City is age 20, and the age of criminal responsibility (point at which someone can be tried as an adult) is 18.
Mostly concerned with the juvenile population, the worst case for sentencing is the reformatory, but this is generally seen as a last resort for violent or repeat offenders. Generally there are a range of other options, from placement with a foster-type family to help provide more guidance, to participation in community work programs and other rehabilitative programs. Level 0 students may be simply expelled instead of sent to a reformatory, although Mirai City authorities do try to keep even them where possible.
Adults convicted of lesser crimes are often simply expelled from the city. Although there is a small conventional prison for more serious criminals, house arrest and monitoring is used where possible. Violent crime among the adult population is low. Most major criminal cases are related to intelligence and industrial espionage, trafficking prohibited goods, and so on.

Antiskill is the primary security force operating in Mirai City as a sort of combination of police and military, with access to some of the latest and greatest gear making it out of Mirai City research labs.
Although they have access to military-grade weapons systems, a variety of nonlethal takedown equipment options also exist for dealing with cases of superpowered students. The majority of Antiskill are part-time, with other usual jobs and are essentially ‘reservists’, although there is a smaller full-time core, mostly of ex-military and former police. It is worth noting that exceptionally powerful psi students (or, say, high-powered experiments gone wild) may still be beyond the capabilities of Antiskill to deal with.
Although Antiskill has a better track record than many policing forces, the bad apples are still there; notably ones who are willing to use excessive force against students out of frustration or general maliciousness, but some are even participants (active or passive) in proxy conflicts, reporting back to the people with whom their true loyalties lie.
Each district has a division, with subsections within that (ie, Division 8-11). Beyond these regional groups, there are also several specialized divisions that are not attached to a specific part of the city:
Division A: Border Security
These positions require sharp agents – some of the brightest and most diligent get put on these jobs, especially folks with good social skills and a good sense of who might be lying or not. Good technical and computer skills are a bonus too, considering the amount of knowledge required for technical permit checking and operating the electronics scanning machinery.
Division B: Heavy-Duty Defence
Full-fledged high-tech military in all but name, this division is trained with heavier and more experimental weaponry, and composed of mostly full time former military types. They are also trained in operating heavy duty drones and mechs. These folks spend most of their time in training and are only deployed for most serious incidents -- which usually means at the city wall or in the case of a high-Level problem.
Division C: Reformatory Security
A strong contender for worst job in Mirai City, even minimum security is still dangerous, and the dangerous offender section is where psi power fuelled murders or serious injuries can happen, even with all the tech available. There are usually several incidents a year.
Division D
Not a real division at all, “Division D” or “DD” is code for officers under disciplinary action who’ve made serious mistakes while on duty, harmed a student intentionally, or otherwise engaged in corruption. In some cases, DD officers are on probation within their unit rather than being outright fired. More than a few DD end up working security or enforcement for more questionable operations within the city as Black Operatives.
The student-side law enforcement organization is called simply ‘Judgment’. Although they do have the power to make arrests and can take action again criminal activities in the moment, they are largely volunteer city support staff, helping to organize lines at major events, give directions, and solve minor problems.
More significant issues, especially dangerous ones, are supposed to be referred to Antiskill whenever possible. But of course, given that most of the students in Judgment have super-abilities, many take a more active crime-solving approach than they technically should.
Recruitment is every summer in June. Trainees have low-level access to the city's security systems, as well as the opportunity to train in aikido and take various classes on law and ethics. After a trial period of about four months, members are assigned a partner to work with for most of their regular duties. Members on-duty wear a green-and-white sash.