The Board of Directors is led by the Chairman of the Board, who prefers to maintain his privacy -- not surprising considering Mirai City's status as both a prosperous city-state effectively controlled by one person, and the only place in the world where superpowers have been known to be created. Rumor has it that he never leaves his residence, the Windowless Building, and rarely involves himself directly in city affairs, only helping the Board to elect new members and break tied votes. However, the city is ultimately his personal project. |
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Members of the Board change over time, departing through taking a job elsewhere, consensus vote to expel the member, or accident, although a few have persisted for a long time, as far as the city's relatively short history is concerned. For example, Sukishi has been a member of the Board for over 10 years and Yelena has been there from day one, whereas Kazuo Yamazaki has only been on the Board for two years.The current members are listed below.
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Miyako Hisami Medicine and Pharmacology Looking much younger than she actually is, Miyako Hisami is a doctor with a degree from Harvard and a long history of high-profile publications. Miyako has held her position for the last five years, and has been taking advantage of the more recent advancements into biomods for her own purposes. |
Sukishi Security and Defense Suspicious and perhaps even paranoid, Sukishi (full name unknown) is never seen in public, and even on screen is always fully encased in a suit of power armour with his face hidden by reflective shielding. He takes security capability very seriously and is a major sponsor of military-focused R&D with the city. |
Doris Hill Education One of the older members, Doris was an emeritus professor of Education at Cambridge before recently being invited to join the Board of Directors. She has a great deal of expertise in teaching methodology, and is looking into ways to further improve the quality of overall education for students. |
Yi Feng Aerospace A major sponsor of the space elevator's creation, Yi Feng has been around for several years. Although the main focus of the city is other areas, aerospace is supposedly an personal interest of the Chairman of the Board, putting Yi Feng in a very good position overall. |
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Kazuo Yamazaki Law Enforcement and Safety Kazuo is a very recent addition, and unlike many members of the Board, has been a long-term resident of the city as the previous chief of Antiskill. His concerns are safety and public order within the city itself, rather than external defence like Sukishi. He makes an effort to see that Antiskill and Judgement have the resources they need to make the city a safe place for the student population. |
Charles Roark Financial Planning A boring job, but the man that knows where all the money goes is in a powerful individual indeed. Charles has been with the board for several years now. He also holds the favor of the Chairman of the Board, for obvious reasons -- everyone needs a reliable accounts manager. Although he isn't a great public speaker, but doesn’t shy away from such activities either, occasionally holding meetings for members of the Mirai City business community. |
Yelena Akulova AI and Predictive Algorithms Yelena's interests have changed over the years, currently focused with laserlike precision on AI. She is fully convinced that this is where the future lies, and that AI can help us see beyond the mere few dimensions and into the futre. To the rest of the board she is generally regarded as a kook, but a potentially useful... or dangerous... kook if that all pans out. She’s also heavily invested into quantum computing. |
Takashi Ueda Construction and City Planning Takashi Ueda has a keen eye for planning. His office is in one of the tallest buildings in District 1, where he can survey the city thoughtfully... and redesign the bus system to optimize route efficiency by 2%. The city’s current quick rebuild kits and mechs designed specially to aid workers with such are his doing, considering the occasional student destruction of property. |
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Kim Jeon Nanotechnology Former senior engineer at a major Korean chaebol, Kim’s expertise in fabrication brought him to his current position. He has an interest into integration of nantotechnologies across multiple fields, and on good terms with most other members of the Board as a whole. |
Josefine Ekman Astrophysics More distant from the earthly squabbles of the others on the Board, Josefine looks to the stars. She is also a very recent addition and so not yet party to the board’s internal struggles.. |
Spencer Robinson Cybersecurity and Analytics Cybernetically augmented, with bright red hair, Spencer is concerned with the city's operational and data security, maintaining the city's firewall and taking measures against industrial espionage. He works closely with, but also sometimes has massive arguments with, Sukishi. |
Katei Amamori Biotechnology Another very new member of the Board, only hired this year, he provides additional support and expertise in the biotech field, frequently working with Miyako Hisami on various projects. |