Mirai City's Biotech sector has always existed, working towards improvements in medicine. In the last couple years after breakthrough in several areas relating to cell growth, the technology to modify and create organic components has made its way to full-on production, although still limited in cost and/or accessibility.Medical
Organ transplants no longer require a donor, although the cost for a purely artifical organ is exorbiant. Gene therapy is riskier than a full transplant, meaning there are still future problems to solve for neurological conditions.Human cloning, although theoretically possible, is currently banned by international convention.

As one might expect, aesthetic mods are highly sought-after by ‘furry/kemono’ enthusiasts. Mods that are obvious and not prosthetic are seen like piercings/tattoos; won’t find people at ‘respectable’ places with visible ones. Many pieces of cyberware have a biomod equivalent – but not all, as biomods are based on attributes of other living creatures.
The installation process depends on the type of mod. For small and external modifications, a ‘spike’ system is used, with a nutrient-rich primed ‘spike’ of pre-programmed tissue implanted. Whole-body modifications make require more intense procedures, up to immersion in nutri-liquid for up to several weeks while mRNA and proteins to code for the new changes are distributed through the body.
There are a few possible complications, as the technology is fairy new. Removed biomods may leave behind unwanted traces of the modifications, and many heavy-duty mods require constant monitoring to avoid side-effects or mod rejection by the body.
Technically, any amount of biomods could be used to alter someone, but experiments have shown detrimental effects in subjects that were too heavily modified, including erratic behaviour and tissue necrosis.
Unless specifically noted, biomods are not a germline change, meaning that they will not affect any offspring the modded person has. Mirai City is signatory to international treaties banning germline modifiation for non-therapeutic purposes as well.
Minor FeatureThis includes aesthetic modifications (ie, cat ears) as well as biological prosthetics or pure human-line modifications such as transitioning.
Animal Mental Processor
Allows one to understand the mind of one type of animal on a deep level and communicate with them. Includes necessary sensory adjustment to detect pheromones or out-of-human band sounds or colors. The technology is well-refined for many groups of mammals and birds, while fish are on a trial basis. Insects and invertebrates are possible technically, but will put the user under the 90% human mark with the amount of genetic changes required. It also may induce strange behaviors, especially in those cases. (Complications)
Taking either the form of scales or heavy, leathery skin, this mod allows the user to resist physical damage more easily.
Biometric Change
This alters all main biometric features used within Mirai City, changing or wiping fingerprints, altering iris pattern, and randomizing the genetic markers used for quick screening. For obvious reasons, this is highly illegal, but surprisingly easy to do.
Chemical Gland
This can be used to produce one of various substances:
The possibilities are extensive, although it should be noted that offensively delivered poisons fall into a different category.
- sticky: produce an organic glue that can hold things down
- acid: damages to anything touching it
- water: just to make things wet!
- slime: opposite of sticky, to reduce friction between surfaces.
- spidersilk: create strong strands of silk. Spidey-sense capabilities not included.
- toxin: generate a vile-tasting toxin on the skin
This mod transforms the person’s fingernails into sharp claws or talons. The outer layer sheds every so often, allowing claws to stay sharp. The retractable version requires smaller claws, but allows the mod to be hidden inside the user’s fingertips, with the nail surface covering split fingertips.
Enhanced Height
A common desire among ‘modders’, this growth alteration allows a person to grow to 7’ tall, or reduced to 4’ tall. Although altering of proportions may not look aesthetically pleasing, it can be an advantage in certain situations.
Enhanced Musculature
Improving the type of muscle cells and altering the strength and location of attachment points to bone, this allows the individual to have greater than normal strength.
Typically attached to locations close to main arterial bloodflow, such as neck, or placed on chest to directly use lung bloodflow.
Horns can have many different styles of appearance, but are much more difficult to conceal. Depending on the style, using them to headbutt or impale can do serious damage, however.
Metabolic Shift
Sleep less? Eat less? Hold you breath longer? Never get drunk? There are many effects that can be added to a body through a metabolic shift, often by slowing down or speeding up some processes. There may be detrimental side-effects (Complications) such as an increased need to sleep, grogginess. Headaches, or so on. This is a germline alteration.
Reflex Boost
Enhancing both mind and muscle, this allows for a quicker than usual reaction to the environment around the user.
Improved cellular healing mechanisms in the body speed recovery from damage. Regeneration allows 1d4/day Health increase. Improved versions of regeneration can even allow a person to regrow lost limbs or organs. The improved version is also a germline modification, but with the caveat that it carries a greatly increased risk of certain diseases, including cancer.
Sharp Teeth
More than just fangs, options for sharp teeth can go as far as sharklike serrated teeth, although they do not replace themsleves unless the individual also has Regeneration.
Rooster-like sharp growths that come out from just above the ankle, high enough to not interfere with footwear. These can be used to turn a typical kick into a deadly slashing attack.
A practical tail appendage allows the modded individual to use it as an extra hand to hold items and improves balance.