




Additional increase ratio

Air 2
Damage/Heal Die d4 2

Increase resistance to descriptor descriptor cost / 2%
Earth 2

d6 5

Increase resistance difficulty 1.00%
Fire 2

d8 7

Buff skill 5% 1.00%
Water 2

d10 9

Add Aspect Aspect cost x 3%
Electricity 5

d12 11

Add Descriptor* Descriptor cost x 5%
Radiation 2
Damage/Heal bonus 1 0

Limited Descriptor -5.00% Minimum 1
Probability 20

2 1

Very Limited Descriptor -10.00% Minimum 1
Emotion 2

3 5

Limited Aspect -2.00% Minimum 1
Thought 10

4 7

Very Limited Aspect -5.00% Minimum 1
Gravity 2

5 9

Feature/Quirk GM Determined
Magnetism 2
Range Close 1

Light 2

Near 5

Cold 2

Far 10

Heat 2

Distant 30

Time 20
AoE Close 2

Weather 2

Near 10

Dream 2

Far 45

Plant 2

Distant 90

Animal 2
Targets 1 2 1:2

Friction 2

2 4

Velocity 2

3 6

Entropy 10

Dimensions 5
Mass 5kg 1 double weight:3

Muscle 2

25kg 4

Nerves 2

50kg 7

Matter 10

100kg 10

Metal 5
DR 1 1

Speed -1CF 1 -1:1


Communication 1

Creation 2

Environmental 5

Nullification 5

Sense 1

Transformation 2

Manipulation 2

* at GM discretion ONLY




Minor x1

Cost Duration Damage Weight Range Speed Skill Mod
Major x3

0 momentary 1d6 5kg Touch 9CD

1 10 min D6+1 10kg Close 8CD 5.00%

2 30 min D6+2 50kg
7CD 10.00%
Sense 4

3 1 hr 2d6-1 100kg
Creation 6

4 3 hr 2d6 250kg Near 5CD 15.00%
Transformation 9

5 6 hr 2d6+1 500kg
Restoration 4

6 12 hr 2d6+2 1 ton
Control 5

7 1 day 3d6-1 2 tons

Destruction 6

8 3 day 3d6 5 tons

9 1 wk 3d6+1 10 tons


10 2 wk 3d6+2 20 tons
Mundane counter /2 -10.00%
11 1 month 4d6-1 50 tons

Knowledge Counter /1.5 -5.00%

9CF 25.00%
Conditional Var Var



Far 8CF













AL Status Type Name Slots TP Resource skill modifier Improved Notes Health/DR Force Dexterity Stealth Observation CF

2 L Base Exosuit (medium) 4 2 -60%
Framework with user partially exposed 5/1 80
0 0 10
3 R Base Mech (large) 8 3 N/A
Fully encloses user/pilot, heavy 10/2 90
0 0 10
3 R Base Mech(xlarge) 16 4 N/A
Fully encloses user/pilot, very heavy 20/2 100
0 0 10
4 R Base Nanobot 1 4 N/A
Mite or smaller NA 0 70 90 50 20
5 R Base Nanobot swarm 3 5 N/A
Mite or smaller individually NA 0 60 60 50 20
1 L Base Robot (tiny) 1 2 +5%
Rat to insect sized 1/0 0 50 40 50 10
0 L Base Robot (small) 2 1 +10%
Cat or dog sized 3/0 0 50 20 50 10
1 L Base Robot(medium) 4 1 0
Approx. Person-sized 5/0 40 40 5 50 10
1 L Base Robot (large) 8 1 -10%
Car-sized 10/0 60 40 0 50 10
1 L Base Robot(xlarge) 16 2 -25%
Small building sized 20/0 80 30 0 50 10
0 L Base Vehicle (medium) 1 1 -35%
Motorcycle 3/0

0 L Base Vehicle (large) 1 2 -40%
Car/Truck 8/1

0 L Base Vehicle (xlarge) 1 2 -45%
Semi/Plane 16/2

Access Level +1 L Base Extra slots 2 1

0 L Sensor Basic sensor suite 0 0 0
Default sensors.

1 L Sensor EM detection 1 1 0 Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

1 L Sensor High/low freq sound 1 1 -5% Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

1 L Sensor IR/UV 1 1 -5% Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

1 L Sensor Lidar 1 1 -10% Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

1 L Sensor Nightvision 1 1 -5% Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

4 R Sensor Psychic jammer 2 2 N/A Y All psionics skills in Near range -25%. At AL-5, it’s 50%

1 L Sensor Radar 1 1 -10% Y +10% relevant Observation skill/point

2 R Sensor Sensor jammer 1 2 -20% Y -10% relevant Observation skill/2 points

1 L Movement Amphibious 1 1 -40%
Waterproof, allows movement in or under water at normal CF

1 L Movement Burrowing 2 1 2
Dig at CFx10

3 L Movement Cilia 0 0

Default movement CF value for nanobots.

1 L Movement Flight 1 2 -20%
CF-4 in flight, sufficient takeoff space required

2 L Movement Jump Jets 1 1 -40%
CF-2, +10% to skill in obstacle avoidance

1 L Movement Legs 0 1 1
Move over extremely rough and irregular terrain, +10% to skill in obstacle avoidance

3 L Movement Magnetic pads 2 1 N/A
Force or other attempts to move from metal surface at -70% skill penalty

0 L Movement Speed boost 0 2


3 L Movement Sticky (Chemical) 2 3 N/A
Force or other attempts to move from any surface at -70% skill penalty

0 L Movement Tracked 0 1 1
Move over rough terrain, +10% to skill in difficult terrain chases

2 L Movement VTOL 2 2 -40%
CF-3 in flight, no takeoff space for Flight required

0 L Movement Wheels (FWD/RWD) 0 0

Default movement CF value.

0 L Space Cargo space 1 1 0 Y Extra 3 cubic meters space

0 L Space Ejector seat 1 1 0

0 L Space Luxury feature 1 1 -10% y comfy seating, minifridge, etc.

0 L Space Passenger space 1 1 0 y Additional passenger

5 R Defence Adaptive Nanoarmor 3 6 N/A N DR 6 first time it gets hits with a given attack type, DR 20 after.

2 R Defence Anti-missile (AMCM) 2 1 -25% Y +10% Dodge, +10% per TP

1 R Defence EM shielding 2 2 -20% Y Electrical attack skills -30%, -10% extra per extra TP, max 100%.

3 R Defence Force field 4 3 N/A Y +20% Parry, +10% per TP, max 80%.

0 R Defence Heavy plating 2 3 -15% Y DR 12, +1DR/extra tech point, max 20

0 R Defence Light plating 1 2 -10% N DR 6

4 R Defence Nanoarmor 3 4 N/A N DR 8, Effective against specialized ultratech weapons that ignore DR.

4 R Defence Nanorepair 2 4 N/A N Self-heal 1/round,

1 R Defence Optical camo 2 2 -25% Y +20% Stealth, +10% per TP, max 90%

5 R Offence Tractor Beam 2 4 N/A N Force 90% pull

0 R Offence Weapon mount (turret/launcher) 1 1 -20% N For heavy weapons

0 L Software Remote piloting 0 1 -5%
Vehicles only; do not have to be in vehicle

4 I Software Black ICE 0 5 N/A y Counterattack hacking 70%, TAL5/TP4 Counterattack 85%. Can damage equipment (purchased separately as per weapons)

2 R Software Enhanced Encryption 0 1 -10% y, +5%/TL 10% penalty to would-be hackers

1 L Software Skill Assist 0 1 -10% Y 5% bonus to one skill per TP, max 80% total

2 L Software Neural Net Assist 0 1 -40% Y 10% bonus to one skill per TP, max 90% total

4 R Software Quantum computing 0 6 N/A Y Boosts Computers (for hacking) skill by +50%, max 90%. AL5/TP10 version boosts hacking to 95%.

Flaws Poor construction N/A -1 N/A
Poorly made. Roll every time it is used, malfunction on 95-00. (or -2TP for 90-00 malfunction)

Flaws Immobile N/A -2 N/A
No CF value. Robot or other medium or larger tech item cannot move and is too heavy to easily lift.


2 L Cyberware Air Filters 1 1 -30%

2 L Cyberware AR interface 1 1 0

2 L Cyberware Autodoc 1 2 -30%

1 L Cyberware Communicator 1 1 -30%

2 L Cyberware Cyberjack 1 1 -30%
Hack without a computer, use skill chips

4 R Cyberware Face Changer 2 2 N/A
Adopt reasonable replica of another. Observation vs Cyberware.

3 R Cyberware Inbuilt 2 2 N/A
+20% Performance to mimic another

2 R Cyberware Muscle Taping 2 1 -30% Y black muscle-like fibers, +5% Force, +5%/point, max 25%

1 L Cyberware Prosthetic replacement 0 0 0
purely base human function replacement

5 R Cyberware Psychic Nullifier 2 5 N/A
-70% to psi skill attempts to mentally affect user

3 R Cyberware Reflex Boost 2 3 N/A y +10% Dexterity

2 L Cyberware Sensory Enhancement 1 1 -30% Y +1 TP per sense

2 R Cyberware Skill Chip 1 1 -30% N +5% to knowledge-based skill. Duplicates OK.

2 R Cyberware Sleep Regulator 1 1 -30%
Go without sleep for up to 48 hrs with no ill effect

2 R Cyberware Subdermal plating 2 2 -30% Y DR 2, +1 per TP, max 4.

2 R Cyberware Trauma Damper 2 1 -30%
Do not fall unconscious at 0 Health


3 L Biomod Minor Feature 1 0 N/A

3 R Biomod Gills 1 1 N/A
Breathe underwater

3 R Biomod Poison resistance 1 1 N/A
resist poison effects

3 R Biomod Armor (scales/heavy skin) 1 1 N/A
DR 2

3 R Biomod Claws 1 1 N/A

4 I Biomod Claws (retractable) 2 2 N/A

3 R Biomod Horns 1 1 N/A

4 R Biomod Sharp teeth 1 1 N/A

3 R Biomod Spurs 1 1 N/A

3 R Biomod Metabolic shift 2 2 N/A
Drug/poison effects last 1/4 the time OR other effect

3 R Biomod Sensory Enhancement 1 1 N/A
+10% Observation on specific sense

3 R Biomod Reflex Boost 1 3 N/A
+10% Dexterity

5 R Biomod Tail 2 2 N/A
+10% Acrobatics/extra hand

4 R Biomod Regeneration 2 4 N/A y, TL5=full limb/organ regen

4 R Biomod Chemical gland 2 1 N/A

5 R Biomod Animal Mental Processor 4 3 N/A
understand one type of animal’s communication

3 R Biomod Enhanced Height 2 1 N/A y Situational bonus to intimidation etc.

3 R Biomod Enhanced Musculature 2 2 N/A y +20% Force

3 I Biomod Biometric change 0 1 N/A
Mimic another’s biometrics or wipe clean your own

3 I Biomod Venom 2 1 N/A
1d4 persistent damage until healed OR other effect


4 R Pharma Aiteva N/A 1 N/A n +80% to mental resistances, flat 80% if no ability

3 I Pharma Blue Fire N/A 1 N/A
Take 1d6-2 damage/round for 50% boost to all psi skills until antidote taken.

2 R Pharma Dynomorphin N/A 1

2 R Pharma Lymoza N/A 1 0 n Reflex boost Dex +5%

1 I Pharma Trance N/A 1

1 R Pharma Trinteix N/A 1 +5% n no need to sleep for 48 hrs

1 R Pharma Trusira N/A 1 0 n Observation boost +5%

3 R Pharma Vrilazipin (Body Crystal) N/A 1 -10% n +100% to skill for 10 minutes, Exhausted afterwards. Long term effects.

3 I Pharma Window N/A 1 N/A

2 R Pharma Xarcluance N/A 2 0 n recover from Exhaustion but delay Mana regen by 12 hours.


0 I Other Fake ID N/A 1 0 y, Improved Tech Levels required to fool tech scan from authorities +1TP/-5% for each improved level

0 L Other Basic smartphone N/A 0 +50%

1 L Other 1 AR headset for phone N/A 0 +5%


0 L Surveillance Camera/ Video
0 +10%

0 L Surveillance GPS tracker
1 +5%

1 L Surveillance Remote spy microphone
1 +5%

4 R Surveillance recon satellite access
5 N/A
Useful for Investigation


4 R Weapons Monofilament Knife N/A 2 N/A
Ignores DR on armor below Access Level 4, damage removed from DR until repaired

4 R Weapons Monofilament Sword N/A 3 N/A
Ignores DR on armor below Access Level 4, damage removed from DR until repaired

3 R Weapons Laser Pistol N/A 1 N/A

2 R Weapons Laser Rifle N/A 2 -70%

3 R Weapons Laser Cannon N/A 3 N/A
Requires mount on Large or greater gear OR Force >90%

2 R Weapons Electrolaser Rifle N/A 1 -30%
Nonlethal longrange stun

3 R Weapons Neural Disruptor N/A 1 N/A

3 R Weapons Particle Beam Rifle N/A 2 N/A

3 R Weapons Particle Beam Cannon N/A 3 N/A
Requires mount on Large or greater gear OR Force >90%

2 R Weapons Sonic Stunner N/A 1 -15%

3 R Weapons Plasma Flamer N/A 3 N/A
Lights target on fire

5 R Weapons KWBF-Cannon Type V N/A 5 N/A
Requires mount on Large or greater gear OR Force >90%

4 R Weapons Cryoblaster N/A 3 N/A
Freezes target.

5 R Weapons Orbital laser N/A 10 N/A
Calls in strike on aboveground target, 5 min recharge time

2 R Weapons Railgun N/A 4 -60%
Requires mount on Large or greater gear OR Force >90%


4 R Armour Adaptive weave N/A 1 N/A
DR 6

0 R Armour bulletproof vest N/A 1 0
DR 6 firearms / DR 1 other

0 R Armour riot gear N/A 1 0
DR 10 firearms / DR 4 other

0 L Armour motorcycle leathers N/A 0 -5%
DR 1

1 R Armour Assault armor (military-grade) N/A 2 -10%
DR 10

3 R Armour Assault armor (powered) N/A 3 -15%
DR 14

0 L Armour Riot shield N/A 1 0
DR 10 firearms / DR 4 other (same as riot gear but requires a hand, must use Parry)

Sheet 4: Weapons

Category AL TP Damage Range Malfunction Additional

Unarmed Brawling 0 0 1d3 C

Martial Arts Martial Arts 0 0 1d3+1 C

Baseball bat Common 0 0 1d6 C

Knife Common 0 0 1d4 C

Brass Knuckles Common 0 0 1d3+1 C

Pepper spray Common 0 0 -20% to actions C


Bow Specialized 0 1 1d6+1 F

Crossbow Specialized 0 1 1d8+2 F

Katana Specialized 0 1 1d8+1 C

Shortsword Specialized 0 1 1d6+1 C

Spear Specialized 0 1 1d8+1 C

Axe Specialized 0 1 1d8+2 C

FV-30 Firearm 0 1 1d10 N

Justifier Firearm 0 1 1d12+1 N 97-00
Pip 22 Firearm 0 1 1d6+1 F

AT-14 Firearm 0 2 2d6+1 F

AT-19 Firearm 0 2 2d6+5 F

AD-20 Drone Defender Firearm 0 2 2d6+2/2d6 N/F

MSP-D12 Firearm 0 2 4d6/2d6/1d6 C/N/F


Tear gas can Common 0 2 -40% to actions N

Hand grenade/IED Common 0 2 2d10 N


Large claws Brawling 3 1 1d6 C

Concealable claws Brawling 4 2 1d4 C

Sharp teeth Brawling 3 1 1d4+2 C

Spurs Brawling / MA 4 1 1d4 C

Horns Brawling 3 1 1d6 C

Tail whip Brawling / MA 5 1 1d3 C


Monofilament Knife Ultratech 4 3 3d6 C 98-00 Damage absorbed by armor DR is removed from the item until repaired.
Monofilament Sword Ultratech 4 4 3d10 C 98-00 Damage absorbed by armor DR is removed from the item until repaired.
Laser Rifle Ultratech 2 2 2d8+1 F 98-00
Laser Cannon Ultratech 2 3 3d8+2 F 98-00
Electrolaser Ultratech 2 1 1d3+stun F 98-00
Neural Disruptor Ultratech 3 1 2d6stun+-10% psi N 97-00
Particle Beam Rifle Ultratech 3 2 3d6 N 96-00
Particle Beam Cannon Ultratech 3 4 6d6 F 96-00
Sonic Stunner Ultratech 2 1 1+stun N

Plasma Flamer Ultratech 3 3 2d10+2, burn N 97-00
Heavy Disintegrator Cannon Ultratech 5 5 4d6+5 F 96-00
Cryoblaster Ultratech 4 3 2d8+2, freeze N 97-00
Orbital laser Ultratech 5 10 12d12 D